The purpose of this brief article is to present Article 7 of the Resolution no. III/54 of the Management Board of the Polish FA adopted on 27 March 2015 (the Resolution) covering the unilateral extension option in professional contracts in Poland within the context of FIFA Regulations on contractual stability and jurisprudence of the FIFA DRC and the CAS.
PZPN, Resolution no. III/54, 27 March 2018
Contractual clauses granting a club a unilateral option to extend the term of the football contract are a fairly common practice in the world of football today. Nonetheless, the legality of such clauses, mainly due to the heterogenous nature of national laws and jurisdiction of national courts in this respect, has still not been confirmed by FIFA and is subject to comprehensive and uneven jurisprudence of the FIFA Dispute Resolution Chamber (FIFA DRC) and Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). Therefore, the decision of the Management Board of Polish Football Association (Polish FA) and the Social Dialogue Committee operating within the Polish FA to formally legalize and autonomously regulate the unilateral extension option in football contracts subject to Polish FA’s regulations should be appreciated, in particular as the rules of the Polish FA make clear reference to the so-called...
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