UEFA implements rules requiring all football clubs, under penalty of sanctions, to operate sportingly and economically only within the limits of their national territory. In this context, the Luxemburguish side of FC Swift Hesperange[1] considers itself structurally condemned to remain a “micro-company”. In...
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Towards a New European Football Governance Dispute?
While the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) will deliver its long-awaited decision in the European Super League case in the coming months, an emerging dispute could soon shake up the world of European football once again. A Luxembourg club has filed a lawsuit against the Luxembourg Football Federation (FLF) and UEFA, requesting a preliminary ruling from the CJEU for violation of competition rules and various fundamental rights recognized by the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). Several rules are being denounced by the claimants, in particular the prohibition for clubs from creating and managing transnational competitions (such as a Benelux league or a pan-European competition), the imposition of quotas for “locally trained players”, and the imposition of a scale for national transfers. Analysis.