Article 17 of the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players (RSTP) governs the “[c]onsequences of terminating a contract without just cause”. The first two paragraphs of the provision deal with the financial consequences of a termination without just cause (referred to as “compensation”). The present article focuses on the subsequent three paragraphs of Article 17 RSTP, i.e. paragraphs (3), (4) and (5), which concern the so-called “sporting sanctions”.
Parties that terminate without just cause are in breach of their contract. When such a breach occurs, sporting sanctions may be imposed “in addition” to the financial consequences set out in Article 17 RSTP - i.e. in addition to the compensation that the breaching party may be ordered to pay as a consequence of the breach. Sporting sanctions add a layer of punishment and deterrent vis-à-vis parties in breach, by prohibiting players from playing, or clubs from acquiring new players, for set periods of time, and, as such, foster contractual stability, which is an important goal underpinning the RSTP.
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