On 15 August 2023, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) partially upheld Panthère Sportive de Ndé Nzuimanto’s appeal against the Fédération Camerounaise de Football (FECAFOOT). The case concerned Resolution no. 15 from the General Assembly of 27 August 2022, which the CAS nullified due to significant procedural violations, including failures in document communication and statutory revocation requirements. Other claims by the appellant were dismissed for lack of evidence and procedural compliance.
Facts and Procedure
Panthère Sportive de Ndé Nzuimanto, a Cameroonian football club, contested the legitimacy of FECAFOOT’s Resolution No. 15, which had led to the election of new members for its jurisdictional commissions during a General Assembly held on 27 August...
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