The case concerned a dispute regarding the terms of an employment contract between the Belgian football club KAA Gent and Mr. Roman Yaremchuk, a Ukrainian national. Mr. Yaremchuk joined KAA Gent in 2017 and, in 2020, the employment agreement between the parties was renewed through to 30 June 2025. The employment contract provided inter alia that KAA Gent would guarantee Yaremchuk a minimum net salary of EUR 1million. In particular, Article 11.6 stipulated:
“The Club guarantees to the player a total net minimum salary of EUR 1,000,000 (one-million) for each season he is on the payroll of the club [the “Guarantee”]. If the player is not on the club’s payroll during the entire season, the minimum guarantee will be pro-rated according to the number of months effectively on the club’s payroll. If the player is injured for more than 1 month, the minimum guarantee...
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